We're in Packaging News for Scrubbingtons

ODA revamps Scrub­bing­tons’ packaging

Our­Des­ig­nA­gency (ODA) has revamped the pack­ag­ing for Kids’ per­son­al care brand Scrubbingtons’.

The play­ful rebrand­ing aims to appeal to chil­dren aged 5 – 8 through humor­ous, joy­ful pack­ag­ing – but as per the brief, is also aimed at mums and dads, with reas­sur­ance that Scrub­bing­tons’ prod­ucts are full of nat­ur­al ingre­di­ents that are kind to young skin and hair.

The agency used 50% PCR (Post-Con­sumer Recy­cled) plas­tic across all bot­tles and added a Scrub Up Hand & Foam pouch to the range so bot­tles could be refilled and reused.

ODA cre­ative strate­gist, Sarah West­wood, said Scrub Up Hand & Face Foam, Scrub All 3‑in‑1 Hair & Body Foam, Scrub A Dub Bub­ble Bath, and Pit Stop Deodor­ant are pack­aged in sim­pli­fied, more con­sis­tent struc­tures to build a cohe­sive look.

Scrub­bing­tons founder Emma Cranstoun said: From the out­set, we’ve looked to shake up the cat­e­go­ry, get­ting away from that rather twee and ide­alised view of younger kids that’s so evi­dent on super­mar­ket shelves. We’d tweaked the brand before, but we knew the time had come for a fun­da­men­tal rebrand.

ODA has cre­at­ed some­thing com­plete­ly authen­tic that’s full of mis­chief and fun and gives us a real­ly sol­id plat­form to build on across mul­ti­ple chan­nels. We look for­ward to shar­ing details of some of the new prod­ucts we’re already work­ing on with them.”

Check out the full arti­cle here

29 August, 2019 | Waqas Qureshi