FairFx and Formula 1 brand platform

We were delight­ed to be asked by our client Fair­FX to work with them on a new brand plat­form and propo­si­tion that would help them lever­age their Sky Sports For­mu­la 1 sponsorship.

This was an excit­ing brief and chal­lenge with the out­put being a brief to the Adver­tis­ing agency. We looked at the demo­graph­ic and atti­tude of For­mu­la 1 audi­ences and found a way to lever­age, in a moti­vat­ing way, the ben­e­fits of the Fair­FX brand and cards. Our propo­si­tion Real life adven­ture. Real time con­trol’ spoke to the ben­e­fit of this card for con­trol­ling your spend while trav­el­ling the world. The propo­si­tion and adver­tis­ing went live as part of the brand’s spon­sor­ship of For­mu­la 1.