ekko branding features in Logo Designer

ODA Brands New Cli­mate-Friend­ly’ Bank­ing App – ekko

ODA has cre­at­ed the brand­ing for ekko, a new deb­it card and bank­ing app that aims to tack­le cli­mate change by match­ing cus­tomers’ trans­ac­tions with envi­ron­men­tal friend­ly actions such as plant­i­ng trees.

The launch comes as new research from Mas­ter­card shows two in five Brits (43%) see reduc­ing their car­bon foot­print more impor­tant now than pre-pandemic.

For every five trans­ac­tions a cus­tomer makes using their ekko deb­it card, one plas­tic bot­tle is col­lect­ed before it enters the earth’s oceans and every 50 trans­ac­tions will pay for a tree being plant­ed; the company’s tar­get is to plant over 50m trees and pre­vent over 500m bot­tles enter­ing our ocean over the next five years.

Cus­tomers can also track their own per­son­al for­est, how many bot­tles they’ve col­lect­ed and even mon­i­tor their own per­son­alised car­bon foot­print using their Car­bon­meter’ in the ekko app. It also gives cus­tomers access to a curat­ed list of sus­tain­able part­ners, offer­ing cli­mate-friend­ly goods and ser­vices as part of the wider so-called envi­ro­con­o­my’.

The brand idea is sim­ple: every trans­ac­tion has a pos­i­tive reac­tion. This became the dri­ver of the brand name and iden­ti­ty. Above all we want­ed to cre­ate a brand iden­ti­ty that would become a talk­ing point when a cus­tomer pulls the card of their wal­let. It’s about mak­ing change effort­less. It’s absolute­ly not about guilt­ing peo­ple into tak­ing action,” explains Sarah West­wood, strat­e­gy part­ner at ODA.

We set out to design a brand with a real­ly con­fi­dent bold brand with bags of per­son­al­i­ty that’s fun and feel good. With this brand more is more so we want­ed it to be the antithe­sis of the neo bank min­i­mal­ism. Peo­ple are eas­i­ly switched off brands if they feel too green and wor­thy. This brand is joy­ful and doesn’t take itself too seri­ous­ly. We were inspired by the bright and friend­ly peace and love ide­al­ism of the 60s and 70s and the idea of send­ing pos­i­tive vibes out into the world,” com­ments ODA cre­ative direc­tor, Grant Willis.

Adding: The iden­ti­ty sys­tem is very sim­ple and eas­i­ly recog­nis­i­ble. The logo is round­ed and low­er­case for a friend­ly dig­i­tal feel and con­tains the idea in the way that it echos-out from the dou­ble k’s. The colour palette is vibrant and pos­i­tive to bring ener­gy and joy and work well as a sequence of colours in the ekko pat­tern. The use of ema­nat­ing echo lines on hero state­ments adds a sense of dynamism mak­ing the brand expe­ri­ence cohe­sive across oth­er media and chan­nels. There’s also a sweet suite of icons to illus­trate the tan­gi­ble dif­fer­ence that cus­tomers are mak­ing through their purchases.”

The brand’s tone of voice, mean­while, incor­po­rates delib­er­ate tongue-in-cheek state­ments like Ker­mit was wrong. It is easy being green.”

The tone is effi­cient and effort­less but with some lit­tle nods to the peace and love inspi­ra­tion with the odd sign off like right on’ or dig it?’,” says the agency.

ekko will start issu­ing its first cards in June on a first come first serve basis.