Built/ features on Retail Design World

Fan­tas­tic to see our work for BUILT/ show­cased on Retail Design World.

Builders mer­chant Travis Perkins has launched a new store for­mat under a new brand, designed for trade cus­tomers work­ing in the dig­i­tal age. The new for­mat uses a new name – BUILT/– and has been cre­at­ed by Our Design Agency, which devel­oped the strat­e­gy, iden­ti­ty, and design for the project. The first branch opened ear­li­er this year in Aston, Birm­ing­ham, with more planned.

BUILT/ is seek­ing to chal­lenge exist­ing play­ers in the build­ing sup­plies sec­tor by cre­at­ing an offer that appeals to builders who want an effi­cient and dig­i­tal ser­vice. The for­ward slash in the name has been includ­ed to sym­bol­ise that the brand oper­ates in the dig­i­tal world.

Under­stand­ing how the brand could save its cus­tomers time and mon­ey at every inter­ac­tion was key to the approach that Our Design Agency took to the project. As a result its ser­vice propo­si­tion includes the Lock and Load’ sys­tem, which is based on high street click & col­lect mod­els. After order­ing dig­i­tal­ly, cus­tomers arrive in their vans and are direct­ed to allot­ted bays, where staff are wait­ing with their items. Staff uni­forms reflect the idea that they pro­vide a ser­vice like a motor rac­ing pit crew.

Orig­i­nal­ly post­ed on Retail Design World.

26 June 2018