Built/ features on Daily Design News

Our Design Agency launch­es strat­e­gy, iden­ti­ty and design for BUILT/ – a builders’ mer­chant fit for the dig­i­tal age from the Travis Perkins group

Cre­ative brand­ing and com­mu­ni­ca­tions agency Our Design Agency (ODA) reveals strat­e­gy, iden­ti­ty and design for dig­i­tal­ly enabled build­ing sup­plies start-up BUILT/.

Chal­lenger brand BUILT/ is shak­ing up the build­ing sup­plies sec­tor by cre­at­ing an offer­ing that appeals to builders who want an effi­cient and dig­i­tal ser­vice at their fingertips.

ODA’s chal­lenge was to design a total brand expe­ri­ence, per­son­al­i­ty, tone of voice, and ser­vice propo­si­tion ideas, down to details such as uni­forms across the omnichan­nel busi­ness. Under­stand­ing how the busi­ness could save builders time and mon­ey at every inter­ac­tion was at the heart of their approach, with each ele­ment in the cus­tomer jour­ney care­ful­ly con­sid­ered. The first BUILT/ depot launched in Aston, Birm­ing­ham, with a sec­ond due to open in Birm­ing­ham this summer.

Build it and they will come

Sarah West­wood, Cre­ative Strate­gist, ODA, says: We had to under­stand the needs of a new breed of pro­fes­sion­al builder and ensure we were doing every­thing from their per­spec­tive, with­out alien­at­ing those with less expe­ri­ence of on-demand services.

Our propo­si­tion was: Your 24-hour build­ing site’, which we brought to life with BUILT/​Building Sup­plies on Demand to reflect the ease with which builders could order and col­lect their mate­ri­als. We knew that if we looked and behaved like oth­er builders’ mer­chants we risked indif­fer­ence so it had to feel like a step change.”

ODA also worked with the team on devel­op­ing ser­vice propo­si­tions includ­ing Lock and Load,’ based on the click and col­lect mod­el used on the high street. After order­ing dig­i­tal­ly, cus­tomers arrive in their vans to be direct­ed to allot­ted bays, where staff wait with their items, ready to lock and load. ODA imag­ined the role of BUILT/ staff role as that of a pit crew, whose mis­sion was to help cus­tomers get in and out as quick­ly as pos­si­ble. This idea is reflect­ed in their uni­form design.

Built for efficiency

BUILT/’s for­ward slash roots the iden­ti­ty sys­tem in the online world imme­di­ate­ly, sit­ting well along­side oth­er well-known dig­i­tal brands, while the shape and iconog­ra­phy works in both phys­i­cal and dig­i­tal spaces. The iden­ti­ty sys­tem fea­tures through­out the store, high­light­ing the effi­cien­cy of the service.

A bespoke stream­lined type­face takes inspi­ra­tion from the for­ward slash, com­mu­ni­cat­ing the brand’s dig­i­tal exper­tise. The heavy and stream­lined font fits well with­in the build­ing sup­plies sec­tor. A strong dif­fer­en­ti­at­ed colour palette helps BUILT/ to stand out among its com­peti­tors, where pri­ma­ry colours such as red and blue tend to dom­i­nate. Online prod­uct pho­tog­ra­phy for the web­site is posi­tioned at the same angle as the for­ward slash, cre­at­ing a sleek and pro­fes­sion­al look.

To help cus­tomers adapt to BUILT/’s dig­i­tal offer­ing, the store envi­ron­ment had to feel famil­iar while also com­mu­ni­cat­ing the prin­ci­pal ben­e­fits of the ser­vice: sav­ing time and mon­ey. Recog­nis­able raw mate­ri­als such as con­crete and chip­board fea­ture along­side the per­son­al­i­ty and tone of voice that focus­es on friend­ly effi­cien­cy, using punchy and pro­fes­sion­al language. 

West­wood adds: Think­ing about how every sin­gle aspect of vis­it­ing BUILT/ would deliv­er on the idea of sav­ing a builder’s time and mon­ey led us to look beyond the design of the iden­ti­ty to con­sid­er the design of ser­vices, the role of the team and how cus­tomers would expe­ri­ence that on demand promise.

We also cre­at­ed a tru­ly omnichan­nel iden­ti­ty that works well across the kiosk, in print and online, across real world and dig­i­tal. That was a huge chal­lenge – and in the end a huge success.”

Nick Thomas, Founder and Man­ag­ing Direc­tor, BUILT/ adds: We’re a start-up busi­ness, who have seen an oppor­tu­ni­ty in the builder’s mer­chant space to digi­tise the retail mod­el and improve the ser­vice lev­els builders face when sourc­ing from sup­pli­ers. We’ve redesigned the sup­ply chain and builders’ ware­house for­mat, and we’ve had an oppor­tu­ni­ty to do that with a blank canvas. 

Thomas adds: We get a lot of pos­i­tive remarks about the cred­i­bil­i­ty of the look of the brand: it looks seri­ous, works across all ele­ments of our depot and web­site. The build­ing sup­plies on demand idea from ODA was a stroke of genius because it real­ly encap­su­lat­ed what we were try­ing to go for and we have led with that right from the start.”